Edgar Allan Poe Puzzles: Puzzles of Mystery and Imagination
Sirius, 2021
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.
- Edgar Allan Poe
Try not to lose your mind as you get a grip on these mysterious puzzles written in the style of the master of macabre, Edgar Allan Poe. Join him on an eerie journey through graveyards, dreams and apparitions as you solve enigmas and confront conundrums that dance on the very edge of reality.
The groundbreaking author of mystery and horror Edgar Allan Poe was fascinated by puzzles and codes, as well as being the inventor of detective fiction. You will need your wits about you, as you hone your own skills of deduction and logic in order to reveal the answers to the quandaries contained within. With codes to crack, strange letters to decipher, and mysteries to solve, you'll be thrilled with this Poe-inspired collection – if you don’t lose your sanity first.